1. 寒假时间从1月7日起至2月17日,2月18日(星期六)起正常开馆。 Winter holiday: From January 7thto February 17th,Normal opening: From February 18th(Saturday) on. 2. 寒假期间阅览室开放时间:9:00-11:30;自习室开放时间:8:00-21:30。 During the winter holiday,reading room opening hours : 9:00-11:30; study room opening hours: 8:00-21:30. 3. 春节期间(1月21日至1月27日)闭馆,阅览室与自习室均不开放。 During the Spring Festival (from January 21thto January 27th), the library is closed, including the reading room and study room. 4. 南湖馆图书借还可自助办理,需人工借还服务请至社会科学图书阅览室(一层)办理,咨询电话:83592059;电子资源咨询:每周一上午,咨询电话83592078;馆办值班电话:83592099。 Nan hu library provides self services to borrow and return books. Social science reading room (first floor) for custom service, TEL: 83592059; electronic resource consultation: every Monday AM, TEL:83592078; Library office,TEL:83592099. 5. 图书委托、预约服务暂停。 Book commission, reservation will not provide service. 6.科技查新服务、学术文献收录与引证检索服务:每周三上午,咨询电话:83592022、83592020。 Sci-Tech novelty retrieval service,Academic literature collection and citation retrieval service : Wednesday AM,TEL: 83592022、83592020. 7. 图书馆24小时值班电话:南湖校区83592018,文昌校区83885955。 Library phone number(24 hours):NanHu Library: 83592018,WenChang Library: 83885955. |